As i was saying proudly to my old friend about what i've been through from my pmr exam, suddenly she ask me out to visit our old school SKPT2.
Sorry, i should say hello at least -.- So hello guys, sorry for the long-long-the-very-long time based on my last post. Now i guess i have the right time to post hows my lifes going. And im doing this because of Nysah's request. I know your blog is always in update sayang NYSA"S BLOG I dont wanna to tell ya hows my pmr going because wether it is great or not. It is none of your business, so cheers.
Okay so lets start. First and basically, now i have found 2 of my old kinda-bff-classmate at my tuition, Kasturi. So bla bla bla and i got both of their phone numbers and text them. Now i realize, we haven't met even once for the last 6 years. They were prettier now yes they do.
Secondly, i dont used my twitter much anymore, i mean RARELY. I've also lost some of my followers, or maybe MANY of them. So dont contact me through my twitter account okay? sorry if im not replying any of your comments that you give to me on my twitter. Sorry A LOT.
p/s: Should i delete my myspace account? It was too old. And full of that gangsters and ya i really hate it. But that is the only way to contact my old buddy due to most of my old bud from skpt used myspace. Please used Facebook kawan, please please :))
Thirdly, im happy now. I have what i wanna have. Like seriously, i love being with people who love me the way i am. Thanks for everything. I know we argue much but it is normal. Dian tau kan siapa? *keningkening :pp
Fourthly, lately i never thought life after pmr would be this BORING. i mean, who would have thought right? I didn't know where should i go exactly, staying at home or going to school just doesn't make any little tiny different at all.
An yeah hello to MR. Desperate. Bye Bye and love.