Heyya guys, waddup? Hows life so far? *Okay amaliaa, lets cut the long story short -.-* Okaaayyyy, well, as you can see, i've change my wallpaper layout andd what the heck am i doing here? Well, according to the last post, i have stop to post anything in ny blogspot account coz i've been change to tumblr. BUT, i guess tumblr is-so-not-really suitable for posting anything or whatever i do in my daily life from the starts to an end. Agreed? So, i've made my word, i will only use tumblr to post some of my FAVOUHRITE pictures, anddd blogspot is for my thingy. Agreed again?
Okayyy, so what am i doing here? U-uhh, I just wanna sayy currently my holidays sucks. Before the holidays start i've made my word to study-study-and okay, that is so... okayy, you can guess my life will be horrid aite with all those study stuff -.- *screw PMR lahh Amaliaa.
OUHKAYYYY! gotta go now, i got some stuff to do, Chaw ;D
I'm off, Hello and ByeBye. Stop Shaddup -_____-"