gee, new year people

o yeah o yeah, haha. Happy New Year people! yeah, i know it was a bit to early for me to say that because it was 3 days away from new year. but who cares? * ape aku merepek ni? ==' * hoho, yela tau, tak payah dah nak ingat kan tahun 2010 ni budak-budak yang lahir 1995 nak buat ape. mesti suruh study semua-semua kan. cis. kitorang dah set dah kat dalam salah satu tempat kat otak kitorang ni. heh. okay, so i'll be toture so well by books for sure, i need to study over time and so on. bahh, malas malas :(

so yeah, i realy need to study almost so-triple hard to make both of my parents proud of me when i get quite good result. hee :) i've try realy hard to like the subject which i hate the most * geo laa * eh ehh, so bila da study gila gila kan dengan buku apekejadah semuanya dah macam geeky dah. hoh

pheww, i hope 2010 will be such a beautiful year for me. pray for my pmr next year guys! hoho, aja aja hwaiting! woot, i love you, muahahahaha * ape-ape tah kau mengarut =='

ps : tadi tengok minho dekat dream team, again. you know AGAIN! hoho, die handsome gilaaaaaaaaaaaaa. eunhyuk comel gilaaaaaaaaaa :D