well, today-eight august two thousand nine, around 1 o'clock. aziq msj. ouh, then msj la ngan die. then one msj make me excited. haha
"..aku pun, wei aku beli phone baru"
reply :
"Woahh! gle best. fon ape?"
*1 message recieve*
"Nokia express music 5130"
reply :
"Wow! Haha. Best gle dohh. bape2? aku plak yg xcited."
*1 message recieve*
"hrga die rm490, trmasuk mmry card 1GB"
: cehh, poyo la kaw. best doe dpt phone baru. aku pon nak phone baru weh. heihh. haha. msti kaw happy kan?wohoo! :D
the picture of Nokia Express Music 5310.