aiseh aku boring ah nk sekolah =.=' pksa ibu beli buku cepat cepat cuti ni tak tau lah nak buat ape asyik mesej orang yang same yelah dah diorang je rajin layan aku terutamanya dian nak keluar prfft melekat kat laptop sepanjang hari sampai mata pun sakit boring weh!
: tulis macam syam tulis mesej takde titik noktah serta koma memng sengaja nk buat aku sesak nafas bace mesej die memang macam #$%^&* <---- mlas dah -.-'
eeeeooeee ;I 27.11
prfft, now let see, kita nak buat ape ya? * pegi tnye readers nk buat ape memang macam indon =='* ape gila aku boring cuti ni. nak keluarrr haa! *malangnya aku takde duit* tadi kan tadi kan amaliaa pegi tengok new moon ;D *keningkening* orang sibuksibuk raya aidiladha aku pegi tengok wayang dengan angah. pergh, mcm biasa ed ed ed ed edward vamp tu mestila kacak kan dan si jacob yang selebet rambut pnjang tapi rambut da pendek badan muscelmuscel *tak malu -.-"* terus jadi H-O-T gilaaa. eeeeeeeee, aku da bosan gila mlas nak type dah bye bye
happy birthday
chill okay?
heheh :) relaks la kawan. bunga bukn sekuntum *cehh poyo -.-* ramai lagi perempuan lain yng kau boleh cari, maybe lebih baik dari die. tak payah sedihsedih. buang masa je.
Psycho =.=
prfftt, bila da cuti ni, selain melekat kat pc cyber cafe bawah, keje aku melekat jelaa ngan phone. then, khamis lepas. mamat mane tah, mesej : 'hai saya wan. duduk perak. bole berknalan?' heh, saba jelaa. aku tnye mane dpt num aku. die ckp main tekn2. *penipu -.-* then aku tk layn. but guess what. die ni asyik call aku dari pukul 7.30 pagi smpai malam. die igt aku ni gf die ke ape nk call2 ni. da laa aku tk kenal. bila angah angkt kan, ta reti pulk nk berckp. bisu ape. 2 days lepas tu, ade pulak sorng laki ni mesej : 'hai, saya ijai. bole bekenaln?' heih, sape la bengap sgt main passing2 num phone aku ni. tapi tkpe, aku telah meminta pertolongn acap tuk ganggu mamat psycho, wan tu. klaka je ape yg kau send kat die. btw, thanks kawan. die da tak call aku lagi dah. heheh ;D
Muhd Ashraf bin Abdul Aziz

ergh, kau jngn pindah boleh? heheh. nnti tahun depan sape nk gaduh dengan aku lagi dah. and lagi nak bagi elaun freefree kat aku ngan dian lagi. sape lagi nak mintak roller kat aku ngan dian. kau pindah, aku sedih ouh. kalau kau da pindah nnti jngn la lupe call or mesej aku lagi. jngn kau nak ngade-ngade buang myspace aku haa. ngehh ;) pape pon, kau pindah nnti, mesti aku rindu kau punye lahh. :)
aww, last day sekolah, tkde ape nk crita. kat skola boring. cikgu mansor nak pindah. okay then, petang tu, plan dengan haziq nk main bdminton. then, around 5 kuljit dtg kat taman mastika. haziq, dian and kuljit main bdminton and aku naik basikal kuljit. basikal die gilaa berat -.-. then acap and zafaa dtg pulak. acap bawak dian naik motor then acap bawak aku. prftt, jngn la naik motor ngan acap. die ni bawak motor macam menggila. haha. tapi best jugak ah kan. then kena baling tepung dengan geng ikin. ape laa, aku ngan aziq yang kene. then syam dtg, main bdminton :)
: ape ape pon, haritu memng best, dan yng paling best naik motor ngan acap. HAHA. bye bye
: ape ape pon, haritu memng best, dan yng paling best naik motor ngan acap. HAHA. bye bye
OMG! OMG! omg! this all the word that i can say now. i still cant belive it. memng gila laa. dari number 11 dlam kelas E, tapi still bole masuk first class which is M. ngehh, someone say, i realy can enter the M class because i am very spirited when im talking to my friends *bukn tkde kene-mengena ke?* prfft, ive cry today, i feel so bad leaving khaz at E class alone. you know, ALONE! but, die da cari gang da tadi. dhurgaa :) dhurgaa pndai math. hee :) now im so relieve. ngee.
: well, congrats to Ammar coz getting to E class for form 2 next year. woohoo! clap clap. ;D
: well, congrats to Ammar coz getting to E class for form 2 next year. woohoo! clap clap. ;D
Hello :D
as usual, every sunday, after i woke up, i took my bath, breakfast then do some house chores. *well, its a normal thing a girl to do right? prftt, i was still shocked about L. yeah, it was so long before and she was still remember and likes Y. gahh, it was also pretty sad to hear her stories. she ask me for some advice but for surely, i will not give her any advice. and if i do, i will ruin everyhing and it will such a big disaster you know.
im so-bored
So be honest, do you have someone on your mind?
ofcourse :(
If your best friend needed somewhere to stay could they live with you?
yeah sure.
Your mom kicks you out, who do you call?
my grandmother
Have you fallen asleep in someones arms lately?
ade ade
Do you prefer holding hands or kissing?
holding hands for sure
Where were you four hours ago?
1pm, in my room.
Would you change yourself for the person you love?
ofcourse not, sorry.
Are promises important to you?
pheww, very very very much.
How long does it take for you to fall asleep at night?
one hour i guess. heheh
Do you pick your words carefully, or just tend to blurt everything out?
blurt very thing out kot
Are you happy with your life?
yeah i am but for now im not.
Are you random?
Do you like expensive things?
not so.
Have you been called a slut before?
no i guess
Last person you talked on the phone with?
my mom
Have you had your birthday yet this year?
Are you missing anyone?
yes i guess. :)
Have you ever felt like you weren't good enough?
yes i have
Are you afraid to fall in love?
yeah, im not sure for that
How many pillows do you sleep with?
2 or 3. sometimes 4
Ever kissed someone you regret kissing?
nope nope. :)
Do you like to cuddle?
heheh, yeah.
Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn't do?
ha ah, i have, many
Do you usually apologize first?
yes but not to guys for sure
Have you ever been kissed in the rain?
tak pernah weyy
Do you believe that love lasts forever?
can happen?
Who was the last person you texted?
Was the last time your heart pounded like crazy for a good or bad reason?
Who was the last person you introduced yourself to?
sape tah haritu, tak kenal pon die.
Are you wearing jeans, shorts, sweatpants?
Do you think anyone has feelings for you?
no, i dont
Are any of your friends virgins?
yeah pretty much
Do you think you will ever be married?
hahah, ape punye soalan daa.
Have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?
banyak kali :(
Do you get shy around the guy/girl you like?
Have you ever felt like you actually loved someone?
ye kot. :)
Was the first person you talked to today male or female?
Last thing you said out loud?
hahahaha, merepek la kau.
Did you cry from a text last night?
no no.
Where is your family?
You think you and your boyfriend/ girlfriend will last forever?
i cant answer that
Is your #1 single?
Do you wish someone would turn up at your front door right now?
hahaha, tk payah
What were you doing at 12am last night?
watching tv
When was the last time you totally broke down?
hari jumaat lepas.
If you could have one thing right now what would it be?
all A's for exam.
Is your hair up or down right now?
This time last year were you single?
What did you do for Halloween LAST year?
idk, i forgot.
What are you excited about?
mintak duit kat bill isnin ni, go to cinema with dian wathing phobia 2.
Favorite swear word:
bengong ah.
Are you confused about anything right now?
yeah, about bill. heheh
Are you one of those people who hate crying in front of others?
mestilah, malu kot nangis. tapi bila da terjadi nak buat cmne kann.
Do you believe you can change someone?
hahaa, mestilaa. ;)
ofcourse :(
If your best friend needed somewhere to stay could they live with you?
yeah sure.
Your mom kicks you out, who do you call?
my grandmother
Have you fallen asleep in someones arms lately?
ade ade
Do you prefer holding hands or kissing?
holding hands for sure
Where were you four hours ago?
1pm, in my room.
Would you change yourself for the person you love?
ofcourse not, sorry.
Are promises important to you?
pheww, very very very much.
How long does it take for you to fall asleep at night?
one hour i guess. heheh
Do you pick your words carefully, or just tend to blurt everything out?
blurt very thing out kot
Are you happy with your life?
yeah i am but for now im not.
Are you random?
Do you like expensive things?
not so.
Have you been called a slut before?
no i guess
Last person you talked on the phone with?
my mom
Have you had your birthday yet this year?
Are you missing anyone?
yes i guess. :)
Have you ever felt like you weren't good enough?
yes i have
Are you afraid to fall in love?
yeah, im not sure for that
How many pillows do you sleep with?
2 or 3. sometimes 4
Ever kissed someone you regret kissing?
nope nope. :)
Do you like to cuddle?
heheh, yeah.
Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn't do?
ha ah, i have, many
Do you usually apologize first?
yes but not to guys for sure
Have you ever been kissed in the rain?
tak pernah weyy
Do you believe that love lasts forever?
can happen?
Who was the last person you texted?
Was the last time your heart pounded like crazy for a good or bad reason?
Who was the last person you introduced yourself to?
sape tah haritu, tak kenal pon die.
Are you wearing jeans, shorts, sweatpants?
Do you think anyone has feelings for you?
no, i dont
Are any of your friends virgins?
yeah pretty much
Do you think you will ever be married?
hahah, ape punye soalan daa.
Have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?
banyak kali :(
Do you get shy around the guy/girl you like?
Have you ever felt like you actually loved someone?
ye kot. :)
Was the first person you talked to today male or female?
Last thing you said out loud?
hahahaha, merepek la kau.
Did you cry from a text last night?
no no.
Where is your family?
You think you and your boyfriend/ girlfriend will last forever?
i cant answer that
Is your #1 single?
Do you wish someone would turn up at your front door right now?
hahaha, tk payah
What were you doing at 12am last night?
watching tv
When was the last time you totally broke down?
hari jumaat lepas.
If you could have one thing right now what would it be?
all A's for exam.
Is your hair up or down right now?
This time last year were you single?
What did you do for Halloween LAST year?
idk, i forgot.
What are you excited about?
mintak duit kat bill isnin ni, go to cinema with dian wathing phobia 2.
Favorite swear word:
bengong ah.
Are you confused about anything right now?
yeah, about bill. heheh
Are you one of those people who hate crying in front of others?
mestilah, malu kot nangis. tapi bila da terjadi nak buat cmne kann.
Do you believe you can change someone?
hahaa, mestilaa. ;)
ive create my own world. ive got too many so called bestfriends. yeah right. ive got smktm bestfriend. dian and syida and erin. but, i also miss my skpt bff, azlin and azima and faziratul and fazilah and syazwan and not to forget,the one and only skinny boy who is alwys like to draw amir izzat. ahh, where should i find you? i miss you all so badly. im dying to see you guys. grr, i hope i can meet them. the last time i meet up with azlin, azima and faziratul is at my school, sk taman melati. they having seminar there. gosh! rindu gila kat korangg :(
insyirah :)
while makan cucur badak kat dalam kereta ;
amaliaa : sape yg makan badak?
amjad : ha, ajad tau, singa la.
amaliaa : hahah, pndai pon.
angah : angah tau, manusia. die makan badak berendam
amalia : ape kau merepek ni. heih
syiah : syiah tau sape makan paling banyak!
amaliaa : ape kau merepek ni syiah, acik ckp badak la, bukan banyak. heih kau ni.
hahahahaha, memang merepek la korang ni. ;D
amaliaa : sape yg makan badak?
amjad : ha, ajad tau, singa la.
amaliaa : hahah, pndai pon.
angah : angah tau, manusia. die makan badak berendam
amalia : ape kau merepek ni. heih
syiah : syiah tau sape makan paling banyak!
amaliaa : ape kau merepek ni syiah, acik ckp badak la, bukan banyak. heih kau ni.
hahahahaha, memang merepek la korang ni. ;D
buat panas telinga
yelaa, sape tak bengang kalau benda da jadi camni. agak agak la pun mulut tu. celupar sangat apesal. dah tau mesti jadi camni punya, ha mulut tu tak sayang sangatkn. menggedik betul. kau nk pindah da kan. haa, pindah la.
Psycho Maniac coming!
okay then, act aku da lame bengang ngan sorang minah ni. and bukan aku je yang bengang ngan die, dian pon sama. minah ni, X, suka kat sorang kawan kitorang ni,H. disebbkan H xmau layan X, si X ni asyik tanya kat aku, "Ama da habis exam?", " knape H busy?", and blaa blaa. heih naik tension aku. okay then, kalau kat myspace takpelaa, ni sampai ke facebook die ganggu aku. then X ni mcm kempunan sangat NAK COUPLE. euw euw, tolongg la. then die tulis kat update die " tak perlu boys lagi", "aku single", "single or couple, which is better? confused ni". hello, nmpk sngt kau tulis camtu so macam kau nak bgtau the whole world yang kau single then kau nak semua laki contact kau ahh. camtu laa kan. sorry la sayang. hajat kau ta tercapai.
November ;D
happy bigbig birthdayy too :
* Alias - 5 Nov
* Farrah - 12 Nov
* Aliana - 23 Nov
* Syahida Ahmat - 24 Nov
* Nadira - 24 Nov
* Zaafarani - 26 Nov
* Ammar - 28 Nov
* Alias - 5 Nov
* Farrah - 12 Nov
* Aliana - 23 Nov
* Syahida Ahmat - 24 Nov
* Nadira - 24 Nov
* Zaafarani - 26 Nov
* Ammar - 28 Nov
negeri sembilan ;D
wohoo, negeri sembilan menang kann ;D 3-1. haha. kesian faris, faris org kelantan kan kan. hobin jang hobin! kelantan perlu sgt ke baling2 mercun, bakar2 kerusi ni. haihh. okay then, shahurain gol kan bagi gol yang pertama untuk negeri sembilan pada minit ke-17. then hairudin gol kan bagi gol kedua pada init ke-46. after that, zaquan gol kan bagi gol ketiga pada minit ke-56. ;DD
disebbkan bdan aku yg sakit2 sebb besemngt sgt main bola jaring semlm. aku and dian plan x mau dtg sekolah harini. so, mcm biasa, whole dayy online facebook and myspace. ;D
bngun pukul 8, mndi, breakfast then online. tengok2, dian alias and farrah tengah online *awal gilaa diorng bngun. chatting2. well then, wish brthday alias yng da lepas sehari. dian and alias gadu2. hhaa ;D
ps ; mlas ahh nk tulis lagii. btw, x dtg kola kan. ape lagi. partayyyy laa! hha ;D
disebbkan bdan aku yg sakit2 sebb besemngt sgt main bola jaring semlm. aku and dian plan x mau dtg sekolah harini. so, mcm biasa, whole dayy online facebook and myspace. ;D
bngun pukul 8, mndi, breakfast then online. tengok2, dian alias and farrah tengah online *awal gilaa diorng bngun. chatting2. well then, wish brthday alias yng da lepas sehari. dian and alias gadu2. hhaa ;D
ps ; mlas ahh nk tulis lagii. btw, x dtg kola kan. ape lagi. partayyyy laa! hha ;D
ouh yeah!
and now, im done with books! *pdhal thun depan PMR* ahh, what a relieve. suka nye. rindu gila duduk tmpat lama. haziq mcm tahun lepas, bwak chess eh. kau lwan ngan aku, kau kalah. land bsttle pon kau kalah. haha. suka aku xD yay! da habis exam da. wohoo!
*seni tadi, saya lukis buruk2, mmng ta lawa. mmng pemalas.
*seni tadi, saya lukis buruk2, mmng ta lawa. mmng pemalas.
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